Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fall Hoopz Offers!/Pre-Season B-Ball Workouts

HoopKidz/HoopElite Family-

We've had some recent Important Schedule Changes; Here's a rundown- Our 1st Fall HoopKidz Instructional session in Bowie on Thursdays will now begin on Thursday, September 24th, 2009 at 4:45 PM and run six weeks thru October 29th. The HoopKidz Saturday Instructional Basketball League now begins on Saturday, September 26th at 9 AM and runs thru November 7th. Our Saturday sessions at VA's Ware Academy in Glouster will now begin on Saturday, October 3rd at 9AM and run for five weeks thru October 31st. Thanks for all of your patience with these schedule changes... Registration is still available for all of these sessions at hoopkidz.com... Our Special Offer for all HoopKidz/HoopElite Fall session registrants affected the schedule changes- You're entered automatically into the our drawing for Five $50 Nike Gift Certificates! Not registered yet, it's not too late. You still have have until September 28th, 2009. Winners will be announced and notified on Tuesday, September 29th, 2009!

HoopKidz & HoopElite presents Fall Pre-Season Basketball Workouts beginning October 19th. Both Boys & Girls, ages 8 thru HS Srs can now get ready for the 2009/10 Basketball season with a series of individual and small group intense workouts designed to prepare players through Basketball Skill development work, conditioning, and Plyrometric training. Each session is 1 1/2 hours and will be offered in Bowie and our new Annapolis location. This specialized training has only been offered to our top HS and our College players in the past. Six workout sessions will be offered on Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Friday. Our 1st time special limited cost is just $125.00 (regular price- $180) This offer/pricing will only last until September 28th!(Offer only good with pre-payment!) Go to the website to register today!

The HoopElite Fall Open Showcase for HS Boys (Sophmores, Jrs. & Srs) takes place Friday, October 9th at 4 PM. This is our Fall Select Player event to be attended by Coaches from College, Universities, Jr. Colleges and Post Grad/Prep Schools. This is a great opportunity for our HS players to display their skills for potential scholarship opportunites. A College and NCAA information is included for all players. For more information on this limited, select event, go to the website, e-mail or call us...

The HoopKidz Free Washington Wizard Ticket program is coming to the end. Remember, if your child participated in any HoopKidz/HoopElite Camp this past Summer, you're eligible. To register/claim yor ticket, go to www.verizoncenter.com/wizards/summerfun. Enter password: HOOPKIDZ Family and Friends may order any additional tickets for just $20! Great game tickets are still available if you act quickly! Call Josh Shiffman at 202.628.3200, ext.3852 or e-mail him at jshiffman@washsports.com

HoopKidz/HoopElite News-

In our Thoughts and Prayers this blog, The Family and Friends of Classmate and Great Friend, Roland White of Richmond, VA. His Spirit and friendship will always remembered by all who crossed his path...Ms. Tyrena Spry, Ms. Diana Gaither, Sam Yette, Mr. Cole, Wendy Reed Smith, Robert & Charlotte Robinson, the memory of Ursula Benjamin... Happy Birthday! Aunt Charlotte... Apologies To my Bowie State University Career Development staff, we will make up the dates in a big way!...Thanks to all of our Parents and HK/HE trainees for your patience with all of our schedule changes. With our growth, we've had to be flexible. Thanks again for all your help and support... HoopKidz/HoopElite Basketball P.O. Box 1539 Bowie, MD 20717-1539 1-888-HOOPKIZ(466.7549), ext. 701 for Washington/Baltimore area Director & programs. Use ext. 702 to reach Coach Charles 'Chaz' Johnson for HoopKidz Tidewater Virginia (Gloucester/Newport News/Hampton) www.hoopkidz.com E-Mail us at info@hoopkidz.com HoopKidz/HoopElite uses Nike Basketballs & Equipment exclusively...